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Happy Pussies & Pooches: How To Make Your Garden Safe For Your Pets


Read these tips to help your cats and dogs avoid harm in your outdoorspace.    

Us human members of the family love the garden, and we knowenough to avoid any potential injury or illness when we spend time in it. Pets,though, are not as clued up, and may well step on, chew or otherwise interact with the garden in a way that causes them harm.  

To help you keep the UK’s favourite two types of pet - catsand dogs - safe in your garden, it’s important to pay attention to thefollowing:    

Breakages & SharpEdges    

It is so easy to have a broken pot, sharp tile or brokenornament slip by our own awareness because we tend to wear shoes in the garden.Your dog and cats sensitive paw pads though, will be affected by these kinds of items, so it is important to pick up or fix any sharp edges around your garden. You should also check it regularly in case of any new breakages or issues.    

Shed Security   

You may well store seasonal items from your garden in cheap self storage (see, but a shed is still handy for items you need instantaccess to. It should, however, only be accessible to you and not to your pets.Cats and dogs can get into real trouble if allowed to do what they want in a shed. From tool injuries, to getting covered in paint or varnish - the possibilities are vast. Keep a lock on your shed to make sure no pets can get in there for an adventure.    

Planty Poisons   

Lots of plants are not pet safe, and the garden is where apet might go out to chew plants and roll on plants as part of their naturalbehaviour. To avoid your pet getting unwell from plants in your garden avoid planting the plants on this list for cats and this list for dogs.    

Skip Thorny Plants   

Thorny plants are unlikely to be something your pet paysattention to. However, the thorns can be problematic for pets who walk on theground where thorns might fall, or parts of the plant might rest. For that reason, it is definitely a good idea to avoid planting thorny plants altogether.    

Fix The Fences   

Pets like dogs love to escape through the tiniest littlegaps in a fence. Regularly check your fencing for holes and gaps so that youfind them before your pet does.    

Stick WithPet-Friendly Gardening   

When it comes to feeding your plants, staving off pests andapplying products like growth hormone, it’s always better to be asnature-friendly as possible. Using products that keep the ecosystem with natural ingredients rather than chemicals that kill, is really important. That same approach is a good idea when you have pets too. Only natural products that are proven to be pet-safe should be used. If you’re ever unsure, avoid that product and pick one you can be sure won’t harm your pets.    

Keep Twine & WireTidy   

Utilising your garden shed to tidy wire and twine is reallyimportant as it is easy for a dog or cat to get tangled in those items,potentially causing them to hurt themselves through panic. If you struggle to find space in your garden for items like spare twine, tools and furniture, consider a cheap selfstorage unit for items you don’t need immediate access to. This willempty out your shed a little, giving you more room for items you do want to get to quickly, such as trimming tools, twine or watering cans.    

Your Pets Can Be Safe & Sound In YourGarden   

With the tips above, and your own caution and care, yourpets can enjoy your outdoor space safely. There are many more happy memorieswith you and your family to come.